Bravery/ Mindfulness/ Zesty Adventures

Fly Fishing & The Art of Letting Go


Be still like the mountains and flow like the river

It was a stunning orange sunrise as I began walking the river’s edge, quietly searching for the perfect spot to be in solitude—with Kula of course!

Navigating the shore, while simultaneously navigating the tug of emotions inside my heart. Somehow no matter how hard you try to forget, life’s experiences seep into crevices of your psyche, and settle into the depths of your being. Like a river, they’re carried with you through space and time, tumbling beneath the surface.


A meditative morning adventure

Kula and I are trading biking for some meditative fly fishing today. While mountain biking is such a healthy distraction in life, there is something magical and peaceful about being on the water…

Fly fishing requires deep study of your surroundings—the way the river changes its course, the colour of the water; where the ripples are, the birds, the shadows, the bubbles, and any signs of fish surfacing. Back home, I’ve also taken a liking to tying my own flies; the intricate finger skills required, the creativity and mindfulness are a wonderful method for being in the moment.

As I tune into my surroundings and wade into the water, I become focused on my casting—the rhythm and cadence of movement and laser focus on aiming your fly. Fly fishing has a steep learning curve that teaches you patience for allowing your mind and body to fall into sync. Sometimes you mess up and get tangled or hooked on a tree, but when you do, you pause, clear your head and start again. Over time, you find your flow, the mental chatter switches off and you become very present within the rhythm of your surroundings. It’s not as much about actually catching a fish as it is the experience of being immersed in nature and in the present.

Standing in the water, for that moment I’m not hooked on thoughts and feelings. With each cast, I release my line and along with it, the troubles in my mind and heart. I am learning to let go. Fly fishing reminds us that at any given moment, life offers us a possibility for progression and fulfillment, but we mustn’t fight against the flow and we must let go.

Through turbulent times, we must be like a river and progress forward. Time runs in one direction, through changing conditions, unforeseen obstacles, and seasons that surge with excitement or meander peacefully. We must appreciate what was, take advantage of the moment and the opportunities surrounding us right now.

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