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Breakfast/ Plant-Based/ Recipes/ Vegan

Beet the Blues Smoothie


Feelin’ Upbeet Today!

Jammed with beets and blueberries, this smoothie will help detoxify the blood, eliminate free radicals, tame inflammation and cleanse your digestive system. On top of that, you’re getting a plethora of antioxidants which help activate brain pathways associated with better cognition endorphins and serotonins; the direct sources of your happiness and well-being. Continue Reading…

Athletic Performance/ Health Tips/ Nutrition for Sport

Hormone Balancing for your Zesty Life


Helpless in the wake of hormones

One week I’m feeling amazing, crushing it on the climbs and in total flow on the descents. The next week I feel lousy, like someone filled my shoes with cement and tied a parachute to my bike.

Fatigue, mental fog, lack of motivation, depression, and decreased sexual appetite are just a few of the symptoms that might indicate your hormones are out of whack. But before you collapse into that carton of ice cream, here are some tips on gettin’ back into balance! Continue Reading…

Bowls/ Breakfast/ Recipes

Falling for You Breakfast Bowl


I have fillings for you

These cold winter mornings might make you want to stay under the covers, but I have the perfect warm, comforting and tasty breakfast bowl to tuck into. With a hint of pumpkin pie flavour, and plethora of nutrients, you’ll be jonsing to load up your backcountry gear and set off for the pow!

Nutritionally very dense, this recipes has a good dose of protein from quinoa flakes, while the pumpkin, flax and chia provides vitamins, minerals and fibre. Continue Reading…

Dinner/ Lunch/ Plant-Based/ Recipes/ Vegan

Broccstar Soup


Legendary flavour

This incredibly simple soup will make you look and feel like a brocc’ star in the kitchen! Starring a variety of different cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli, cauliflower and kale, this soup is rich in nutrients, including several carotenoids, vitamins C, E, and K; folate; and a good dose of minerals. The frontman in this lineup of nutrients is glucosinolates, frequently examined for their anticancer effects.

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Happiness/ Health Tips/ Nutrition for Sport/ Plant-Based/ Wellness

Go Plant-Based in 2019!


A fresh, new vibrant you!

The new year is kicking off and you want to feel better, right? You’re tired of feeling tired, you’re finished with inflammation and soreness, you’re sick of getting sick, you’re done with being overweight, and you’re ready to fight aging and illness.

It often takes a medical scare for us to take a long hard look at the way we’re living life and what we’re eating. Whether it’s a friend gone too soon from cancer, a family member who suffers a heart attack, or a harsh word from our doctor about the state of our well-being, it’s never too late to change your life trajectory forever—for the better. If I could make one recommendation to people looking to improve their physical and mental well-being, it would be to move to a plant-based diet. Continue Reading…

Happiness/ Health Tips/ Nutrition for Sport/ Plant-Based/ Zesty Adventures

Food That Feeds Your Soul


You are what you eat

You may know that eating a variety of nutrients is important for your health and wellness, but what you may not realize is how what you eat also influences your spiritual health and well-being.

Ayurvedic practitioners, ancient Greeks and buddhists alike have been aware for thousands of years that food has an energetic effect on the body, mind and spirit. The more nutritious and pure the foods, the more conscious and in sync your are with the world around you, the attuned you are with your heart, your intuition; and the more you can interpret your souls wisdom. Continue Reading…

Dinner/ Lunch/ Plant-Based/ Recipes/ Vegan

I Yam Drooling for your Vegan Burgers


I’m vegan. Haters gonna hate, but I don’t carrot

Juicy, sloppy mouthfuls smothered in goodness and dripping with sauces — it’s hard to beat a burger.Vegan burger” is pretty much an oxymoron, and it’s hard to find ones that don’t taste like cardboard. But wait! You don’t have to be the laughing stock of the BBQ any longer, because I have a killer vegan burger recipe for you to sink your teeth into… and your cow-slaying friends will be seriously jealous.

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