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Health Tips/ Nutrition for Sport/ Wellness

Virus Defense: Replenish your gut flora


Defend Like Bruce Lee—Eat Broccoli

Having healthy and diverse gut bacteria isn’t just for digesting your post-ride Locavore lunch, it’s essential for quickly fighting viruses in the nervous system.

Especially during this pandemic, we’re obsessed with killing germs, but that’s also depriving us of the microbial diversity critical for fighting viruses. Studies reveal that bacteria protect us by supporting mucosal surfaces—which are the gateway for viruses, such as Coronavirus. Most viruses access our body through mucosal surfaces, and in those sites, viruses interact with hundreds of different bacteria, which are part of the host’s immune defense. Continue Reading…

Athletic Performance/ Nutrition for Sport/ Wellness

Is Bread Making you Feel Crumby?


If you loaf something, set it free

Baby I’m-a need you, you’re the only one I care enough to hurt about. Maybe I’m-a crazy, but I just can’t live without…bread.

If you’re feeling crumby, you may consider changing up your daily food and activity regimen. When you’ve got hunger pangs, it’s important to not pollute the body with junk—particularly, foods such as refined bread, that can hike inflammation. Continue Reading…

Happiness/ Love & Relationships/ Wellness/ Zesty Adventures

The Healing Power of Hugs


Healing touch

Sometimes all I need is a hug. I can’t describe why, but I know it’s important…

Nothing warms the heart like a loving hug. The power of touch has long been used in healing, and I believe it’s because when we hug, our hearts connect and we know that we’re not separate beings. In the warmth of a hug, words are unnecessary and logic is irrelevant — you simply feel the affection, joy, forgiveness, peace, and happiness. You feel cared about and that there’s someone who’s there for you, without judgments.

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Happiness/ Mindfulness/ Wellness/ Zesty Adventures

Riding The Rapids: A River Meditation


The river runs through us

Think of your life as a river. The surface rippling with thoughts; sometimes rapids throwing spray into the air; other times mellow and meandering. There are moments where we get so caught up in the turbulence of these ripples that we panic, we struggle, and we’re unable to breathe.

If thoughts are like the ripples on the river, we can learn to rest on the bank and watch them coming and going, but never chasing or getting swept away in them. Continue Reading…

Athletic Performance/ Health Tips/ Nutrition for Sport/ Wellness/ Zesty Adventures

Zesty Essentials: Base ingredients for a vibrant life


Energetic, Focused, Peaceful

Do you realize how good you’re capable of feeling? Many people are living with chronic stress, nagging aches and pains, stomach problems, low energy, foggy thinking, and a poor immune system; and they’ve lost touch with what a healthy body feels like.

The human body is an incredible thing, but its basic needs are remarkably simple—food, activity, rest. Unfortunately, society has over-complicated these base ingredients with fad diets, gimmicky workouts, and a badge of honour for who survives on the least amount of sleep…
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Happiness/ Health Tips/ Nutrition for Sport/ Plant-Based/ Wellness

Go Plant-Based in 2019!


A fresh, new vibrant you!

The new year is kicking off and you want to feel better, right? You’re tired of feeling tired, you’re finished with inflammation and soreness, you’re sick of getting sick, you’re done with being overweight, and you’re ready to fight aging and illness.

It often takes a medical scare for us to take a long hard look at the way we’re living life and what we’re eating. Whether it’s a friend gone too soon from cancer, a family member who suffers a heart attack, or a harsh word from our doctor about the state of our well-being, it’s never too late to change your life trajectory forever—for the better. If I could make one recommendation to people looking to improve their physical and mental well-being, it would be to move to a plant-based diet. Continue Reading…

Athletic Performance/ Health Tips/ Nutrition for Sport/ Wellness

OMg, You Need Magnesium Right Now!


OMg, like I totally need that!

While you’re bound to feel a little muscle soreness after pushing your limits, hard workouts don’t have to leave you hurting for days. The battle against sore muscles often means investing a lot time doing things like body rolling, Pilates, yoga, stretching and massage, to name a few; but have you tried adding Magnesium to that list? Continue Reading…