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Happiness/ Love & Relationships/ Wellness/ Zesty Adventures

The Healing Power of Hugs


Healing touch

Sometimes all I need is a hug. I can’t describe why, but I know it’s important…

Nothing warms the heart like a loving hug. The power of touch has long been used in healing, and I believe it’s because when we hug, our hearts connect and we know that we’re not separate beings. In the warmth of a hug, words are unnecessary and logic is irrelevant — you simply feel the affection, joy, forgiveness, peace, and happiness. You feel cared about and that there’s someone who’s there for you, without judgments.

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Bravery/ Happiness/ Health Tips/ Love & Relationships/ Zesty Adventures

The Ideal Life: Going once, Going twice


You have one chance before it’s gone

Given the chance to buy an ideal life on eBay, many people would probably choose the one containing money & success. Yet, as studies have revealed, these two factors have little effect on true happiness and satisfaction in life.

So, what really matters at the end? In one of the most comprehensive longitudinal studies ever done, researchers of the Harvard Grant Study followed 724 men for over 75 years and have found the secret… Continue Reading…

Happiness/ Meaning & Passion/ Zesty Adventures

Shifting Gears: How Gratitude Journaling Helps Happiness Flow


Exercise your gratitude muscle

What happened today that you’re grateful for? Did you have a lucky break, did someone say something nice to you, did you have an awesome bike ride?

Do you own a $7,000 mountain bike, live in a beautiful pocket of the world, have a roof over your head, and friends and family who love you, but still feel discontent? That’s probably because we’ve been culturally conditioned to focus on what we don’t have, rather than appreciating we have and how far we’ve already come. Continue Reading…

Athletic Performance/ Health Tips/ Nutrition for Sport/ Wellness/ Zesty Adventures

Zesty Essentials: Base ingredients for a vibrant life


Energetic, Focused, Peaceful

Do you realize how good you’re capable of feeling? Many people are living with chronic stress, nagging aches and pains, stomach problems, low energy, foggy thinking, and a poor immune system; and they’ve lost touch with what a healthy body feels like.

The human body is an incredible thing, but its basic needs are remarkably simple—food, activity, rest. Unfortunately, society has over-complicated these base ingredients with fad diets, gimmicky workouts, and a badge of honour for who survives on the least amount of sleep…
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Bowls/ Plant-Based/ Recipes/ Vegan

Curry Up! Nutrient-dense Injury Recovery Bowl


Keep calm and curry on

Whether you’re injured or recovering from an intense training session, nutrition is paramount in recovery. Food is critical to our health and repairing our bodies. Both the body and the mind can be enhanced (or hindered) by what we eat.

I’m shocked by the junk people put in their bodies—especially when injured! Nutrients are building blocks of muscles, tendons, ligaments, bones and organs, and they’re what helps your body function properly. If you want to be back at your best as soon as possible, consider making a batch of my nutrient-dense curry.

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Athletic Performance/ Bravery/ Happiness/ Mountain Life/ Zesty Adventures

Plunging into Pain


What’s my safe word?

As my body slipped into the ice cold water, it was as if I was stepping into another self. The bitter cold began to bite my skin as I got deeper and deeper, until I was up to my neck. Breathe, I told myself, calmly focusing my mind. My muscles contract and shivers run up my spine, as the cold switches to a pins and needles burning sensation; my nerves becoming confused. The temptation to tapout is calling my name. Continue Reading…

Dinner/ Lunch/ Plant-Based/ Recipes/ Vegan

Broccstar Soup


Legendary flavour

This incredibly simple soup will make you look and feel like a brocc’ star in the kitchen! Starring a variety of different cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli, cauliflower and kale, this soup is rich in nutrients, including several carotenoids, vitamins C, E, and K; folate; and a good dose of minerals. The frontman in this lineup of nutrients is glucosinolates, frequently examined for their anticancer effects.

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