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Lifestyle Entrepreneur

Bravery/ Career/ Love & Relationships/ Zesty Adventures

The Art of Risk-Taking


Take the risk or lose the chance

Many of life’s greatest achievements require stepping outside our comfort zone. Whether it’s tackling a technical trail feature, overcoming a fear of starting a business, investing money in your future, or putting yourself out there for a relationship—many of life’s most rewarding experiences come as a result of taking risks.

The fear of doing something wrong is a huge factor that holds people back, and so we often choose the safer approach and just stick with what’s worked in the past. The question is what is good risk-taking and what is bad? Continue Reading…

Bravery/ Career/ Happiness/ Zesty Adventures

Happiness: Striving towards your potential


I scream, you scream, why give up your pipe dream!

I called my brother last night, and when he answered he sounded like a giddy kid who was just handed a triple-scoop bubblegum ice cream cone. “Gord, you sound really happy bro, what’s new?” I asked. “I’m so happy Rachelle! My business is booming, I’m doing exciting work and having a blast!”

It’s so beautiful to watch people thriving in their element… Since having the guts to quit his talent-limiting career situation a year ago, Gord has since combined his knack for technology with his passion for people, and baked these ingredients into a rewarding entrepreneurial venture. Continue Reading…

Career/ Videos/ Zesty Adventures

Zesty Brands: Life of an Adventurepreneur

Livin’ the Zesty Life

Livin’ the Zesty Life in Squamish, BC with passion, my dog and adventure at my doorstep, means I get to live and breath my mission every day. I aim to inspire companies and individuals to venture beyond ordinary…

At Zesty Brands, we have a heartfelt passion for uncovering your greatness and helping you blaze your trail through bold, authentic moves. Continue Reading…

Breakfast/ Health Tips/ Meaning & Passion/ Zesty Adventures

Zesty Morning Routine


Purpose is an incredible alarm clock

Your alarm clock beeps. You hit snooze a few times before rolling out of bed to swipe your self-worth feed, rush through a shower and skip breakfast before heading to work, already late…

If your morning resembles a hurricane, you might consider developing a Zesty Morning Routine. Each morning is an opportunity to start fresh and become fully awake in your life. There’s no need to design an overly complicated routine, but being a little more mindful will go a long way. It will also help you begin to wake up with purpose and energy from knowing what you want to do and why.

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Meaning & Passion/ Retreats/ Zesty Adventures

Zesty Weekend Retreat: March 3&4


Transform your life

On March 3rd and 4th, we invite you to share an intimate weekend of self-growth, pilates, yoga, nutrition, sleep hygiene and the exploration & transformation of your life.

The Zesty Weekend will be held at Core Intentions Pilates Studio in Squamish, BC. At the studio you’ll experience a uniquely warm and intimate atmosphere where we’ll immerse ourselves in wellness. There will be fresh healthy snacks and meals, and exciting sponsor goodies from local business such as; Ryders Eyewear, SoundRunner, Nester’s Market, Hornby Energy Bars, Nootka & Sea, Ener-C, Mountain Squeeze, Counterpart Coffee, Euphoria Natural Health and Health Food Heaven.
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Love & Relationships/ Meaning & Passion/ Perseverance/ Zesty Adventures

Mavericks, Rebels & Mutineers: Blaze your own trail


Venture off the beaten path

We all want to be special and different. We want to experience the extraordinary and the things people dream about—yet we all do the same things. Why? Because we’re intimidated by the idea of not living within societal norms. We’re taught to conform to the status quo and the opinions and behaviors of others.

Guess what? You don’t have to experience the world in the way you’re told to or the way other people expect you to. No matter what you’ve been told, what’s happened to you or what mistakes you’ve made, you’ve got this moment forward to do something radically different. Continue Reading…

Career/ Love & Relationships/ Meaning & Passion/ Zesty Adventures

Zesty Capital: Be so good they can’t ignore you


Invest in yourself to stand out from the bunch

Have you ever heard about the theory of “career capital”? It’s about gaining skills, connections and credentials that put you in a better position to make a difference and stand out. Capital is something used to create wealth and career capital comes from assessing your deficiencies and embracing a plan to close the gap between where you are and where you want to be.

This theory is super fascinating and I think we can apply it to many aspects of life beyond career, including relationships and competitive sports. Continue Reading…