Browsing Tag:

buddha bowl

Bowls/ Recipes/ Vegan

Life’s too short to give a Shiitake Bowl


Don’t lose your shiitake

“You have power over your mind – not outside events. Realize this, and you will find strength” – Marcus Aurelius

The art of being unbothered isn’t always easy, but well worth the effort. We are not determined by our experiences, but the meaning we give them, so whether you’re on the left or the right, it would do ya some good to stop whining about wanting the world to be a certain way–your way, and rather be open-minded and content to let the troubles of the day roll off. Instead of being the little brat who can’t have his cupcake, take a bite out of this delicious and healthy Shiitake bowl!

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Dinner/ Lunch/ Plant-Based/ Recipes/ Vegan

Go Almond In! Thai Buckwheat Noodle Bowl


A healthy & tasty spin on the Thai Peanut Bowl

If you’ve gone all in during your workout, you’re ready for something hearty and satisfying! This mouth-watering and healthy Thai Almond Tofu Bowl features inflammation-fighting Soba (buckwheat) noodles, nutrient-dense veggies, topped with protein-rich crispy tofu! Delicious and relatively easy to make, this vegan bowl with gluten-free buckwheat noodles makes this a go-to for a comforting post-ride meal.

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Health Tips/ Nutrition for Sport/ Plant-Based/ Vegan

Holy Sprout! Growing Superfoods Easy as 1-2-Pea!


The lovin’ sproutful

Do you believe in magic? Well, you’re going to soil your plants when you hear this…broccoli sprouts have 50X the nutrients of mature broccoli! 

That’s right! Seeds, beans, legumes, and grains, which when in sprouted form, aren’t just a topping for some hippie sandwich, they contain a significant amount of protein as well as highly concentrated levels of micronutrients compared to the mature food counterpart. Continue Reading…

Bowls/ Dinner/ Lunch/ Recipes/ Vegan

Wild & Fiery Jerk bowl with Mango Salsa


Addicting & delicious pain

This Jamaican jerk bowl is bursting with zest, perfect for the flavour thrill-seeker and a surefire way
to practice pain tolerance! The Scotch pepper found in jerk spice contains capsaicin, which tricks the brain into thinking you’re being burned; the brain responds by releasing endorphins and dopamine. This brings a sense of euphoria similar to a “runner’s high”. Continue Reading…

Bowls/ Plant-Based/ Recipes/ Vegan

So Yummy, Says Me Bowl


Hungry? Open Sesame!

This is a flavourful, filling, and super easy buddha bowl composed of roasted yam, cauliflower, broccoli, and crispy kale, topped with sesame-ginger drizzle on a bed of quinoa. A healthy and super satisfying plant-based meal packed with fibre vitamins A, K, and C, as well as copper, manganese, iron, magnesium, and calcium—the So Yummy Says Me Bowl is a tasty powerhouse of fuel for your adventures! Continue Reading…

Happiness/ Health Tips/ Nutrition for Sport/ Plant-Based/ Wellness

Go Plant-Based in 2019!


A fresh, new vibrant you!

The new year is kicking off and you want to feel better, right? You’re tired of feeling tired, you’re finished with inflammation and soreness, you’re sick of getting sick, you’re done with being overweight, and you’re ready to fight aging and illness.

It often takes a medical scare for us to take a long hard look at the way we’re living life and what we’re eating. Whether it’s a friend gone too soon from cancer, a family member who suffers a heart attack, or a harsh word from our doctor about the state of our well-being, it’s never too late to change your life trajectory forever—for the better. If I could make one recommendation to people looking to improve their physical and mental well-being, it would be to move to a plant-based diet. Continue Reading…