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Love & Relationships

Bravery/ Love & Relationships/ Zesty Adventures

Thus with a kiss I die: The story of love


Don’t fall in love, fall off your bike—it hurts less

Loving is risky. For the depth of your love today can be the depth of your wound tomorrow.

To love is to be vulnerable. Love anything long enough and your heart will certainly be wrung out and broken. If you want to never experience pain, you must give your heart to no one. Bubble wrap it carefully with hobbies and friends; avoid all entanglements and guard it behind a wall of cold stone. Continue Reading…

Happiness/ Love & Relationships/ Zesty Adventures

Blame Game: It’s not me, it’s my equipment


Just own it

We’ve all been in this circumstance; setting out on a ride with a friend, you finally reach the trail summit. Aiming your bike down the trail, you send it into the jank. After a short distance you notice your friend stopped, crouched over his bike—blaming his lack of skill on his drivetrain. Maybe you’ve done the same!

When something goes wrong do you immediately want put the fault on something or someone else? Or do you make room for empathy and accountability? Continue Reading…

Flow/ Happiness/ Love & Relationships/ Zesty Adventures

Abundance: Relax to Receive


Adopt the pace of nature

Riding down the trail with a white-knuckle death grip will do nothing but cause you to fatigue sooner, make it harder to control and absorb bumps and increase your chances of a crash. This is especially common with new riders; they’re nervous of how the bike is moving underneath them—they either freak out or force it. It’s important to realize that the bike will naturally cruise forward, roll over things and find a smooth line. The trick is to have a little faith, relax and allow the bike do its thing. Continue Reading…

Bravery/ Love & Relationships/ Meaning & Passion/ Zesty Adventures

Riding the wave of time


How well are you riding the wave

The space that does not yet exist is located in a place known only to your deeper senses. In life you’ll always receive that which is scheduled for you, but not yet present. Our lives are continually in motion with the wave of time. As the wave rises and falls, our effort responds to the waves of time.

When you learn to ride the wave, your life can evolve naturally and with minimal resistance. Riding the wave, however, is not a passive experience. It requires you to be focused, centered and intuitive.

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Bravery/ Love & Relationships/ Meaning & Passion/ Zesty Adventures

Freeing your soul through creativity


Lose your fear of being not good enough

Remember when you were young and fearless with the crayons or fingerpaints? You were so bold. Some of you even drew all over your walls. As the years passed, you became shy and afraid of getting creative because of the belief you’re not good enough.

It’s a shame that not more of us utilize the therapeutic benefits of art. Art is a way to convey things that words cannot, and it’s a way to heal ourselves. When we’re being creative, our brains release the natural antidepressant, dopamine. Creativity can also can calm our “monkey mind”, bring on a meditative state and get us into flow. Continue Reading…

Bravery/ Love & Relationships/ Meaning & Passion/ Perseverance/ Zesty Adventures

Passion: A Labour of Love


Loving the sufferfest

I’m on a long climb in Dolomites of Italy, and the depth of my suffering cannot be told by the grimace on my face. It’s a steep, nasty mountain pass, and I’m alone with another 40km to go. My legs are cooking as the gradient jumps to 14%, but I stand up and hammer with my focus on the next corner…

If you’re not a cyclist you’re probably wondering why we willingly endure horrible suffering for the sake of a bike ride? It’s about the moment, it’s about performing at your limit, it’s about Passion.

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