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Bravery/ Happiness/ Zesty Adventures

Let It All Hang Out. Zero F***’s Given


Stop thinking about what they’re thinking

If you’re feeling particularly fragile today, you might not want to read on. It’s okay, I’m not offended. You know why? Because I could care less what you think of me, my ideas, opinions and lifestyle… It’s not about you. Get over yourself.

An unbelievable chunk of our life is spent striving for acceptance. No matter who we are, where in life we are, we want to be accepted by others. If we’re not getting acceptance, we feel rejected. The problem is that this prevents us from doing the things we want to do, and it shuts down who we truly are. What if you decided to say f*** that. What if you cancelled your subscription to playing for the audience and decided that you were going to be 100% yourself for a change? Continue Reading…

Bravery/ Happiness/ Meaning & Passion/ Zesty Adventures

Beyond the Treeline: The Courage to Stand Alone


Reach new heights

Much like the tallest tree in the forest, when you stand out from the rest, you’re at risk of exposing yourself to the most resistance. We learn early in life that fitting in keeps us safe. But what we don’t realize is that while being unremarkable may keep us below the turbulence, it doesn’t allow us to grow, to reach new heights, and to see beyond our limitations; and it doesn’t usually lead to happiness or satisfaction. Continue Reading…

Happiness/ Meaning & Passion/ Zesty Adventures

Shifting Gears: How Gratitude Journaling Helps Happiness Flow


Exercise your gratitude muscle

What happened today that you’re grateful for? Did you have a lucky break, did someone say something nice to you, did you have an awesome bike ride?

Do you own a $7,000 mountain bike, live in a beautiful pocket of the world, have a roof over your head, and friends and family who love you, but still feel discontent? That’s probably because we’ve been culturally conditioned to focus on what we don’t have, rather than appreciating we have and how far we’ve already come. Continue Reading…

Bravery/ Career/ Happiness/ Zesty Adventures

Happiness: Striving towards your potential


I scream, you scream, why give up your pipe dream!

I called my brother last night, and when he answered he sounded like a giddy kid who was just handed a triple-scoop bubblegum ice cream cone. “Gord, you sound really happy bro, what’s new?” I asked. “I’m so happy Rachelle! My business is booming, I’m doing exciting work and having a blast!”

It’s so beautiful to watch people thriving in their element… Since having the guts to quit his talent-limiting career situation a year ago, Gord has since combined his knack for technology with his passion for people, and baked these ingredients into a rewarding entrepreneurial venture. Continue Reading…

Athletic Performance/ Bravery/ Happiness/ Mountain Life/ Zesty Adventures

Plunging into Pain


What’s my safe word?

As my body slipped into the ice cold water, it was as if I was stepping into another self. The bitter cold began to bite my skin as I got deeper and deeper, until I was up to my neck. Breathe, I told myself, calmly focusing my mind. My muscles contract and shivers run up my spine, as the cold switches to a pins and needles burning sensation; my nerves becoming confused. The temptation to tapout is calling my name. Continue Reading…

Happiness/ Health Tips/ Nutrition for Sport/ Plant-Based/ Wellness

Go Plant-Based in 2019!


A fresh, new vibrant you!

The new year is kicking off and you want to feel better, right? You’re tired of feeling tired, you’re finished with inflammation and soreness, you’re sick of getting sick, you’re done with being overweight, and you’re ready to fight aging and illness.

It often takes a medical scare for us to take a long hard look at the way we’re living life and what we’re eating. Whether it’s a friend gone too soon from cancer, a family member who suffers a heart attack, or a harsh word from our doctor about the state of our well-being, it’s never too late to change your life trajectory forever—for the better. If I could make one recommendation to people looking to improve their physical and mental well-being, it would be to move to a plant-based diet. Continue Reading…

Happiness/ Love & Relationships/ Meaning & Passion/ Zesty Adventures

Happiness & Your Inner Zest


Happiness within

Whoever said money can’t buy happiness hasn’t ridden a bike! Well, in truth, it’s not the bike making you happy, it’s the person you are when you get on your bike. Even if you drop ten thousand bucks on the sickest bike, it’s not going to make you happy sitting in your garage. For some of us, biking equals happiness because it ignites our authentic self; encourages the act of play, the freeing of our soul, happy endorphins, and healthy friendships. Continue Reading…