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Happiness/ Love & Relationships/ Wellness/ Zesty Adventures

The Healing Power of Hugs


Healing touch

Sometimes all I need is a hug. I can’t describe why, but I know it’s important…

Nothing warms the heart like a loving hug. The power of touch has long been used in healing, and I believe it’s because when we hug, our hearts connect and we know that we’re not separate beings. In the warmth of a hug, words are unnecessary and logic is irrelevant — you simply feel the affection, joy, forgiveness, peace, and happiness. You feel cared about and that there’s someone who’s there for you, without judgments.

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Happiness/ Health Tips/ Mindfulness/ Videos/ Zesty Adventures

Recipes for a Zesty Life: Forest Bathing

Hey guys, here’s another Recipe for your Zesty Life from my new book! 

In Japan, it’s common to use nature as a way of healing. They practice what’s called “Shinrin Yoku”, which roughly translates to “Forest Bathing”. The idea is that spending time in nature allows you to experience rejuvenating benefits to the mind, body and spirit. Continue Reading…

Happiness/ Love & Relationships/ Meaning & Passion/ Zesty Adventures

The Importance of Tribe


Stand by me

Do you think I’m weird? Definitely. No man, seriously. Am I weird? Yeah, but so what? Everybody’s weird.

As humans, our most basic needs for a happy and healthy life are food, water and shelter…and a sense of belonging. It is the loyalty, companionship, support, and protection we find within a tribe that fulfills an intrinsic need within us all.
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Happiness/ Love & Relationships/ Meaning & Passion/ Zesty Adventures

Volunteering: The Cure for a Long Face



Arriving at Second Chance Cheekye Ranch, Sarah and I toss our phones in the truck and I set off down the long dirt road to the barn. We’ve both had a rough week, and are ready to do some “meditative shit shoveling” as I call it.

Arriving at the first paddock, we are greeted by a few horses poking their heads over the fence. For having such long faces, I’m always surprised how these animals are so sweet and gentle. Being from a rescue ranch, many of these horses have experienced a variety of trauma; from neglect and abuse, to rejection for being old, lame or injured. Continue Reading…

Bravery/ Happiness/ Health Tips/ Love & Relationships/ Zesty Adventures

The Ideal Life: Going once, Going twice


You have one chance before it’s gone

Given the chance to buy an ideal life on eBay, many people would probably choose the one containing money & success. Yet, as studies have revealed, these two factors have little effect on true happiness and satisfaction in life.

So, what really matters at the end? In one of the most comprehensive longitudinal studies ever done, researchers of the Harvard Grant Study followed 724 men for over 75 years and have found the secret… Continue Reading…

Happiness/ Mindfulness/ Wellness/ Zesty Adventures

Riding The Rapids: A River Meditation


The river runs through us

Think of your life as a river. The surface rippling with thoughts; sometimes rapids throwing spray into the air; other times mellow and meandering. There are moments where we get so caught up in the turbulence of these ripples that we panic, we struggle, and we’re unable to breathe.

If thoughts are like the ripples on the river, we can learn to rest on the bank and watch them coming and going, but never chasing or getting swept away in them. Continue Reading…

Bravery/ Happiness/ Zesty Adventures

Let It All Hang Out. Zero F***’s Given


Stop thinking about what they’re thinking

If you’re feeling particularly fragile today, you might not want to read on. It’s okay, I’m not offended. You know why? Because I could care less what you think of me, my ideas, opinions and lifestyle… It’s not about you. Get over yourself.

An unbelievable chunk of our life is spent striving for acceptance. No matter who we are, where in life we are, we want to be accepted by others. If we’re not getting acceptance, we feel rejected. The problem is that this prevents us from doing the things we want to do, and it shuts down who we truly are. What if you decided to say f*** that. What if you cancelled your subscription to playing for the audience and decided that you were going to be 100% yourself for a change? Continue Reading…