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Bravery/ Perseverance/ Zesty Adventures

Intestinal Fortitude: Staying strong when mother nature gives you a spanking


The sting of injury

Being able to ride my bike regularly has saved me. I’m sure many of you can relate to the way biking declutters the mind and takes the edge off life’s struggles. I don’t know what I’d do without biking.

…and then mother nature gives you a major spanking!

As mother nature banishes you to your room for six weeks with an injury, the news of a long road to recovery can leave you feeling raw and disconnected from the world. Your mind shifts from problem to problem and from past to future, and the fears begin to overwhelm you. You’re consumed in the uncertainty, you feel lost, unsure and powerless. This cycle of thinking is the pathway to endless exhaustion, constant frustration and absolute illusion. Continue Reading…

Bravery/ Love & Relationships/ Meaning & Passion/ Perseverance/ Zesty Adventures

The Trail of Impermanence


The Noble Path

Trees lose their leaves, sunshine turns to rain, trails break down and your favourite features shift from one to another as your riding ability improves—impermanence is an undeniable and inescapable fact of human existence.

Buddha stated that in this world nothing is fixed or permanent. Nothing remains the same—human life, trees, mountains, streams, thoughts, feelings, perceptions and emotions. And part of the suffering we experience in life is because of our attachment to impermanent things. We mistakenly believe these impermanent things like people, relationships, careers and circumstances are what make us suffer. It’s not impermanence that makes us suffer, it’s wanting things to be permanent when they are not. Continue Reading…

Love & Relationships/ Meaning & Passion/ Zesty Adventures

Ride your own ride: The authentic path


Ride your own ride

If you’ve ever tried to keep up with someone beyond your skill level or who’s style is different from yours, than you understand how it can deplete your confidence or cause you to crash. This happens because you’re not being present in your mind—and you start to become careless and reckless.

It’s important to take responsibility for yourself, and this fact is the same in all aspects of your life. When you’re mindful of your needs and feelings, you become a much better versions of yourself— you can focus on the right things, and everything gets better. Continue Reading…

Love & Relationships/ Meaning & Passion/ Zesty Adventures

Sink or Swim: Getting below the surface of relationships


People are oceans, you cannot know them by their surface

Whether it’s friendships or romantic relationships, getting below the surface can be difficult. And sometimes we don’t even realize we’re craving a deeper connection until we find it.

Once we get through small talk, we hold back or don’t know what else to say. We’d rather not be vulnerable so we float around on the surface of our relationship, reserved in our connection, with an unfulfilled sense of intimacy.

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Bravery/ Love & Relationships/ Meaning & Passion/ Perseverance/ Zesty Adventures

Airing into enlightenment


Venturing down a new path

Embarking on a journey towards enlightenment is like hopping on your bike in search of new trails and undiscovered features. Most of the time we tend to evade uncharted territory because it means facing fears—we’re comfy where we are thanks!

We deny our curiosity and the call to a challenge because it’s much easier to coast through life or cruise down flow trails. But if we take on the challenge of exploring our potential and the unknown, we can find enhanced experiences and greater achievements.

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Health Tips/ Vegan/ Wellness/ Zesty Adventures

Zesty Aging: It’s all downhill from here


Ah fiddlesticks, my knees hurt

Like our bikes, our bodies tend to break down as we age. But wait! I’m here to tell you there’s no reason to swap your mountain bike and Toyota Tacoma for Backgammon and a beige Camry just yet!

Before you throw in the towel and take a nap on the davenport, know that just because you’re 50 years old on paper, doesn’t mean you’re 50 biologically. If you’re eating healthy foods and doing things like riding your bike, there’s less biological aging taking place in your body—honest to Pete! Continue Reading…

Bravery/ Love & Relationships/ Meaning & Passion/ Perseverance/ Zesty Adventures

Zesty New Year: Mind, Body, Heart, Soul, Tribe


A new year, a Zesty Life!

Are you ready to drop into the new year, kick ass, stop worrying and get in tune with your health, nutrition and emotions?

Do you want to feel confident and peaceful and have healthier relationships? Do you wonder what it’s like to have an unshakeable mindset and soulful purpose?

This new year is a chance to start fresh and add a little Zest to your life! Below is a taste of what Livin’ the Zesty Life is all about. These strategies can help strengthen your mind-body connection and cultivate healthy habits for a lifelong foundation of healthy living. If you want to dive deeper into the Zesty Life, hit the link at the bottom when you’re done! Continue Reading…