Love & Relationships/ Meaning & Passion/ Zesty Adventures

Ride your own ride: The authentic path


Ride your own ride

If you’ve ever tried to keep up with someone beyond your skill level or who’s style is different from yours, than you understand how it can deplete your confidence or cause you to crash. This happens because you’re not being present in your mind—and you start to become careless and reckless.

It’s important to take responsibility for yourself, and this fact is the same in all aspects of your life. When you’re mindful of your needs and feelings, you become a much better versions of yourself— you can focus on the right things, and everything gets better.

Get real man

What does living authentically really mean and how do you know if you are doing it? When you’re in alignment with your true self, you experience a sort of confidence that doesn’t come from attaining something or being with someone. You have less internal chatter because you let go of who you think you’re supposed to be in each moment, and you just are who you really are.

Being authentic is walking toward your dreams despite the odds. It’s knowing that as long as you’re following your heart, your best effort is enough and the path will appear no matter what.

Locating your authentic voice

Your authentic voice is that quiet, persistent messenger who resembles your intuition, nudging you in the direction of what you need. You’ll know that you are not living authentically if you feel anxious, confused, depressed or disconnected. Much like riding your bike when your gut tells you one thing, but you do the opposite—it often ends in remorse.

Have you ever taken the time to find out who you really are?

Seriously, stop fixating on your ideal self. When you try hard to be who you think you should be or what others expect, you end up in your head and not your heart—this is stopping you from evolving into your best self. We’re all designed differently, capable of a unique purpose. And to experience the best that life has to offer, we need to share our uniqueness with the world. True authenticity lies deep inside our own hearts.

Often it takes the death of loved one, breakups and divorce, illness or financial loss for people to really get down on their knees, find a deeper perspective and fathom something more meaningful. Going through a dark night of the soul, as painful as it is, carries within it the opportunity to discover deep expansive beauty, renewal, clarity of purpose and creativity.

How to get real

There’s no time like the present to get real. Even if you’ve spent years working a dead-end job or struggling through an abusive relationship—all the while telling yourself that you’d never have anything better, or you made the mistake of never planning for anything better. There’s still time.

The world is calling you to be more of who you are. Once you uncover your heart’s deepest desires and start living from a place of authenticity, you will become increasingly surrounded by fulfilling relationships and purposeful opportunities.

Start by taking on the challenge of doing something every day that is in total alignment with your authentic self, and eventually you will see progression. At the very least, you will feel more contentment in yourself, I guarantee.

Finding your purpose

Don’t ask what the world needs. Ask yourself what makes you come alive, and go do it. Because what this world needs are people who’ve come alive.

We are surrounded by people who are stressed, tense and unhealthy, who are taught to work hard, accomplish tasks and trudge on at all costs. We race from one destination to another, leaving no time for reflection and mindfulness, and moving further away from ourselves.

Slow down. Look inward. If we aren’t practicing slowing down to become mindful of how we feel, we simply follow what we think we should do. We’re constantly in our heads, on auto-pilot repeating the actions of those we’ve seen before. There’s zero space for your own unique body and mind and your true self. Being your best self is hard work. You MUST take time every day to do things that feed your soul. If you can‘t find your purpose, don‘t panic. Go towards what brings you joy and what feeds your heart—that’s what will give you energy and what will magnetized your purpose. When you love yourself and celebrate yourself, you’ll have more of yourself to give, and the insight into your purpose will be revealed to you.

An authentic Zesty Life!

To be truly authentic, you must be clear on who you are and what you bring to the table. To help you do this, you can download the Zesty Life Purpose Worksheets free 🙂


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