Browsing Tag:


Friendship/ Happiness/ Love & Relationships/ Meaning & Passion/ Mindfulness

Life Lesson: Be More Like Your Dog


They say you are the average of the five people you spend the most time with. I hope so, because that means I’m like my dog

Dog-like thinking embodies a spirit of independence, resilience, and strategic prowess. Our canine companions, who, despite their domestication, retain a remarkable attunement to their instincts. Whether it’s their keen senses that steer them away from danger, or their ability to perceive emotions and offer a paw when someone is sad — dogs epitomize the art of practical living. Continue Reading…

Bravery/ Happiness/ Meaning & Passion/ Mindfulness/ Zesty Adventures

The Aliveness of Solitude


Therein Lies the Magic

As I venture along the rivers edge with Kula, we make our way up and over fallen logs, through thick bushes and branches, and wade through the shallows. We are searching for a good spot to cast the line.

I am drawn into the silence and solitude; I feel more alive out here, when the talking stops, when I venture out into the enormous emptiness of nature. I love silence. I crave it. Observing the picturesque beauty, listening to the water rushing beside me, watching eagles and herons swooping, and the stunning landscapes surrounding me. Continue Reading…

Love & Relationships/ Zesty Adventures

Touching Shadows


Bare feet touching the rays of the sun; perfection, before time loses this moment forever. Summer seems to be slipping away before it has even begun…

Every morning, my coffee steeps in a tin pot, as Kula carries her favourite toy back and forth from one end of the room to the other, whimpering—a post-breakfast happy dance. I used to sit down and draw during this time, but my pencil hasn’t touched a piece of paper in quite some time. Thinking back to when I would leap out of bed with an idea, and as my hand travelled around the page—pure joy—as I giggled to myself when it linked up a funny quip. Continue Reading…

Bravery/ Mindfulness/ Zesty Adventures

Fly Fishing & The Art of Letting Go


Be still like the mountains and flow like the river

It was a stunning orange sunrise as I began walking the river’s edge, quietly searching for the perfect spot to be in solitude—with Kula of course!

Navigating the shore, while simultaneously navigating the tug of emotions inside my heart. Somehow no matter how hard you try to forget, life’s experiences seep into crevices of your psyche, and settle into the depths of your being. Like a river, they’re carried with you through space and time, tumbling beneath the surface. Continue Reading…

Bravery/ Flow/ Perseverance/ Uncategorized/ Zesty Adventures

The Wild Zest : There are no rules


I’m not crazy, I’m just colourful

When most people think of a “rebel,” they think of a troublemaker–someone who doesn’t like to follow rules and enjoys causing disruption.

Rebels aren’t just badasses that drive fast and cause mischief. They break rules in order to explore new ideas, uncharted territory, and create positive change. They create the friction required to test alternative ways of doing things that can lead to better solutions. Rebels conjure up creative solutions by balancing experimentation with a curious mind, and by tempering experience with a humble beginners approach, continually asking, “Why do we always do things this way?” and “Who are you to say I can’t do it?”.  They understand that if you play by the rules or think you know it all already, you lose the ability to break new ground. Continue Reading…

Happiness/ Mountain Biking/ Zesty Adventures

One Bike, Two Bike, Red Bike, Blue Bike


Who Cares! Just ride your bike!

Rolling up to the trailhead, do you jump on your bike and set off for a fun-filled adventure. Or, do you look around and notice that there are no orange bikes in the parking lot, become very offended and conclude that there must be a problem with people boycotting orange bikes.

If you are looking for problems, you find problems. Continue Reading…