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Beautiful Tough

Bravery/ Perseverance/ Zesty Adventures

Intestinal Fortitude: Staying strong when mother nature gives you a spanking


The sting of injury

Being able to ride my bike regularly has saved me. I’m sure many of you can relate to the way biking declutters the mind and takes the edge off life’s struggles. I don’t know what I’d do without biking.

…and then mother nature gives you a major spanking!

As mother nature banishes you to your room for six weeks with an injury, the news of a long road to recovery can leave you feeling raw and disconnected from the world. Your mind shifts from problem to problem and from past to future, and the fears begin to overwhelm you. You’re consumed in the uncertainty, you feel lost, unsure and powerless. This cycle of thinking is the pathway to endless exhaustion, constant frustration and absolute illusion. Continue Reading…

Bravery/ Love & Relationships/ Zesty Adventures

Sending it into forgiveness


Riding in circles of animosity

You’re riding down a trail and you get a flat tire, what’s your next move? Do you stop and take a moment to fix it or do you get angry, keep riding and blame whatever gave you the puncture for slowing you down, ruining your ride and destroying your rim?

So often in life people hurt each other, and then carry a heavy burden of bitterness that consumes their heart. And if forgiveness does cross their mind, they often say the offender deserves it, I’m not apologizing until they do or I can’t let them win.
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Love & Relationships/ Meaning & Passion/ Perseverance/ Zesty Adventures

Mavericks, Rebels & Mutineers: Blaze your own trail


Venture off the beaten path

We all want to be special and different. We want to experience the extraordinary and the things people dream about—yet we all do the same things. Why? Because we’re intimidated by the idea of not living within societal norms. We’re taught to conform to the status quo and the opinions and behaviors of others.

Guess what? You don’t have to experience the world in the way you’re told to or the way other people expect you to. No matter what you’ve been told, what’s happened to you or what mistakes you’ve made, you’ve got this moment forward to do something radically different. Continue Reading…

Health Tips/ Perseverance/ Wellness/ Zesty Adventures

Zesty Mojo: Regaining confidence after injury


Throw me a fricken’ bone here

One minute you’re switched on, smashing your personal best’s, setting new goals and challenges, getting faster and stronger and feeling like “one million dollars”. Then all of a sudden the universe f***’s with your plans. Something happens; injury, illness, crisis and your mojo takes a kick where it counts—Ouch baby.

We all have times when our confidence gets shaken and setbacks or injuries can leave your mojo broken, just when you need it the most. This past summer my waterski crash was a major blow to my mojo, but it was my mission to keep positive and focus on my recovery. Continue Reading…

Bravery/ Love & Relationships/ Meaning & Passion/ Zesty Adventures

Real Men Have Lumberjack Confidence


What women want

Recently a friends husband got on his soapbox about what type of real man I should be dating. One that knows how to swing an axe, down a pint of beer and who definitely doesn’t eat quinoa.

I thought it was actually really sad. The idea that some men might be holding back their true selves because of these concepts of “masculinity”, believing these things are what women want. When in reality, us women simply want the real person underneath. Continue Reading…