Bowls/ Breakfast/ Recipes

Falling for You Breakfast Bowl


I have fillings for you

These cold winter mornings might make you want to stay under the covers, but I have the perfect warm, comforting and tasty breakfast bowl to tuck into. With a hint of pumpkin pie flavour, and plethora of nutrients, you’ll be jonsing to load up your backcountry gear and set off for the pow!

Nutritionally very dense, this recipes has a good dose of protein from quinoa flakes, while the pumpkin, flax and chia provides vitamins, minerals and fibre.

Nutritional Highlights

Chia Seeds – A naturally gluten-free grain, chia is high in muscle-building protein, skin-repairing antioxidants and healthy blood-sugar levelling fibre.

Flax Seeds – Contain a large amount of recovery-enhancing manganese, inflammation-reducing Omega-3 and energy-boosting Magnesium.

Cashew Milk – Rich in minerals like: zinc, phosphorus, iron, manganese, magnesium and copper. No one will cacha-you when you get a dose of this goodness before your sport.

Pumpkin – Full of electrolyte-restoring potassium, eye-protecting and skin-enhancing Vitamin A, immunity-boosting zinc, digestion-aiding fibre and sleep-aiding amino acids.

Quinoa – Essential nutrients for muscle recovery, one cup of quinoa delivers minerals, fiber, antioxidants, enzymes, all nine essential amino acids and nine grams of protein, making it one of the most complete foods in nature. Iron-rich quinoa helps the body produce energy and helps the blood deliver oxygen to muscles. Particularly critical for female and endurance athletes who are often iron-deficient.

Ginger – Ginger is among the healthiest and zestiest spices on the planet. A natural anti-inflammatory, it may reduce nausea, help with digestion, fight cancer and boost the immune system. For athletes, ginger can open up your airways, assist in weight-loss, improve circulation and strengthen your immune system.

CinnamonCinnamon is known to promote heart health and eyesight through beneficial antioxidants, it’s been found to kill E. coli and many other bacteria, and its anti-inflammatory compounds help relieve pain and stiffness of muscles and joints due to arthritis —or a day of killer skiing!

Pink Himalayan Salt – Containing at least 84 naturally occurring trace elements in their natural mineral form, the benefits of natural Himalayan Crystal Salt range from Regulating the water content throughout your body and promoting healthy pH balance in your cells to preventing muscle cramping and aiding in proper metabolism functioning.

Falling for You Breakfast Bowl

Print Recipe
Serves: 1 Cooking Time: 6min


  • 1/3 cup quinoa flakes
  • 1/3 cup pumpkin puree
  • 1 tsp ground flax
  • 1 tsp chi seeds
  • 1 1/4 cup almond or cashew milk
  • 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
  • 1/4 teaspoon nutmeg
  • 1/4 teaspoon freshly grated & squeezed ginger
  • 1/4 teaspoon vanilla
  • 1 tbsp maple syrup
  • pinch pink himalayan salt
  • 1 tbsp pumpkin seeds for topping
  • Zesty Life Granola for topping (optional)



In a saucepan, combine the milk, quinoa flakes, pumpkin, flax, chia and salt. Bring to a boil then reduce to simmer, stirring constantly until thickened, about 90 seconds. Stir in vanilla, maple syrup and spices.


Transfer to a bowl, and top with Zesty Life Granola and pumpkin seeds :

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