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Sports Nutrition

Breakfast/ Recipes/ Smoothies/ Snacks

Feel the beet mmm, drop: Pre-ride smoothie


Intergalactic Endurance

People always saying my style is wild. You’ve got gall, you’ve got guile to step to me, I’m a cycle-o-phile. Well, I gotta keep it going keep it going full steam. Too sweet to be sour to nice to be mean, this smoothie’s gonna keep you flowin’, keep you flowin’ full steam.

Unless you’ve been 
living on another planet for the last few years, you’ll no doubt have heard that beetroot juice has been creating quite the stir in sports nutrition circles. By enhancing blood flow in muscles, beetroot juice consumption can reduce the amount of 
oxygen needed by muscles to sustain a given output—Extending endurance.

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Nutrition for Sport

Get yourself dialed: Nutrition tips for athletes


Top up or blow up

Being an athlete requires peak fitness and a carefully honed diet. It’s not just about putting calories in your body, the best results will come when you focus on nutrient requirements to quickly repair and build muscles.

Between mental and emotional health, immune system, muscle recovery, sleep habits and heat tolerance, there are lots of things to consider. Here are a handful of suggestions to chew on.
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Breakfast/ Lunch/ Nutrition for Sport/ Recipes/ Smoothies/ Snacks

Mango go! Pre-workout smoothie


Hit your flow with Mango

A nutrient-packed smoothie can help you hydrate and prepare for some pedal-pushing power. Vital to a good workout is balanced and easily digested energy beforehand. It’s important to consider the type of workout you’re doing and the required levels of carbs and protein.

This Mango-go smoothie is the perfect setup for a shorter high-intensity workout with its blend of healthy complex carbohydrates and fibre, which supplement your glycogen stores. The banana, date and ginger fuel you with energy and vitamins and the chia seeds will give you a little kick of protein.

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Bowls/ Dinner/ Lunch/ Recipes/ Vegan

Miso Hungry: Recovery Protein & Electrolyte Bowl


Ride strong, recover stronger

Physically and mentally drained after your sport, you walk through your door past your dog who’s furiously licking the sweat from your legs. You’re spent, but you know you have to muster the energy put together a post-workout recovery meal.

As the body loses electrolytes through sweat, you’ll feel symptoms like muscle cramps, fatigue, nausea, and mental confusion. And if you’re not replenishing with the right amount of carbs, electrolytes, fats, fluids and proteins you’ll experience increased muscle damage and free-radical buildup—Making you feel weaker and weaker with each sweat session.

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Bars/ Breakfast/ Nutrition for Sport/ Recipes/ Snacks

Zesty Life Energy Bar


Chewy, nutty, fruity and packed with goodness

You were riding along at good pace, focused and energized… then seemingly without warning your legs turned to cement, you begin to lag behind and the muscle-trembling feeling of hunger and nausea sets in—Get home quick, cause you’re going to bonk!

Your ability to run, bike, ski and get zesty in any activity that exerts yourself, hinges on the capacity of the body to extract energy from food. Riding strong and steady is about eating the right amounts of the right foods at the right times. And drinking adequate amounts of water! Continue Reading…

Dinner/ Lunch/ Recipes

You Can’t Beet Me Endurance Soup


A soup for the top of the podium

Both hearty and light, this soup takes you through a tour of flavours and finishes with a punchy twist!

With the excitement of the Giro d’Italia, I have the perfect endurance soup for cyclists. With its vibrant the Maglia Rosa colour, this Beet Soup represents the motivation towards bigger goals and more difficult challenges. Did you know stamina boosting beets could help you exercise for up to 16% longer!

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Nutrition for Sport

Apple Cider Vinegar: Performance & Recovery Tonic


The ultimate zesty punch in the face!

Don’t worry, you don’t have to guzzle it back like grandma said. There are plenty of ways to incorporate Apple Cider Vinegar into your diet.

This health tonic has been praised for its ability to balance your pH, increase good gut bacteria and help control your weight, boost your health and improve your appearance. For athletes, the amino acid, raw enzyme and potassium provides amazing performance and recovery benefits.