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Bravery/ Mountain Life/ Perseverance/ Zesty Adventures

Mind Over Matter: Head first into grit


Head first into grit

Nearing the end my ride, I veer off into the berms for a little practice before finishing up. I focus on outside foot pressure as I rail some turns and pickup speed. My mind is a little hung up on technique and not focused on the trail conditions…

Before I could correct, my front tire washes out in the loose gravel and I get ejected over the bars. CRACK! Direct impact on my shoulder! “That didn’t sound good.” I said to Kula who was frantically racing around me as I lay on the trail. Jumping to my feet, I wheel my bike one-handed down the last few turns—I knew I needed to get down the trail before the adrenaline wore off. Fortunately I came upon a guy who offered to load my bike on the car for me. “Do you want me to call an ambulance?” he asked. “No, that’ll be $80 bucks! I’ll call a friend thanks.”

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Bravery/ Career/ Zesty Adventures

Riding Solo: Navigating the anxieties of solitude


In solitude you’ll find answers

Venturing into the woods, I lose sight of civilization and settle into the peaceful sounds of nature. I am in charge of my ride plan, my rhythm and my pace.

I absolutely love riding my bike alone (well, usually with my sidekick Kula!). When on a solo ride, I notice my stress decrease and I shift into a peaceful state of consciousness. When you’re silent you begin to see your thoughts for what they really are—just thoughts. I can ponder life’s meaning, connect with the sensations in my body, and be in total flow with the trail. Continue Reading…

Bravery/ Career/ Happiness/ Zesty Adventures

Happiness: Striving towards your potential


I scream, you scream, why give up your pipe dream!

I called my brother last night, and when he answered he sounded like a giddy kid who was just handed a triple-scoop bubblegum ice cream cone. “Gord, you sound really happy bro, what’s new?” I asked. “I’m so happy Rachelle! My business is booming, I’m doing exciting work and having a blast!”

It’s so beautiful to watch people thriving in their element… Since having the guts to quit his talent-limiting career situation a year ago, Gord has since combined his knack for technology with his passion for people, and baked these ingredients into a rewarding entrepreneurial venture. Continue Reading…

Athletic Performance/ Health Tips/ Nutrition for Sport

Hormone Balancing for your Zesty Life


Helpless in the wake of hormones

One week I’m feeling amazing, crushing it on the climbs and in total flow on the descents. The next week I feel lousy, like someone filled my shoes with cement and tied a parachute to my bike.

Fatigue, mental fog, lack of motivation, depression, and decreased sexual appetite are just a few of the symptoms that might indicate your hormones are out of whack. But before you collapse into that carton of ice cream, here are some tips on gettin’ back into balance! Continue Reading…

Athletic Performance/ Bravery/ Happiness/ Mountain Life/ Zesty Adventures

Plunging into Pain


What’s my safe word?

As my body slipped into the ice cold water, it was as if I was stepping into another self. The bitter cold began to bite my skin as I got deeper and deeper, until I was up to my neck. Breathe, I told myself, calmly focusing my mind. My muscles contract and shivers run up my spine, as the cold switches to a pins and needles burning sensation; my nerves becoming confused. The temptation to tapout is calling my name. Continue Reading…

Happiness/ Love & Relationships/ Meaning & Passion/ Zesty Adventures

Happiness & Your Inner Zest


Happiness within

Whoever said money can’t buy happiness hasn’t ridden a bike! Well, in truth, it’s not the bike making you happy, it’s the person you are when you get on your bike. Even if you drop ten thousand bucks on the sickest bike, it’s not going to make you happy sitting in your garage. For some of us, biking equals happiness because it ignites our authentic self; encourages the act of play, the freeing of our soul, happy endorphins, and healthy friendships. Continue Reading…

Happiness/ Health Tips/ Nutrition for Sport/ Plant-Based/ Zesty Adventures

Food That Feeds Your Soul


You are what you eat

You may know that eating a variety of nutrients is important for your health and wellness, but what you may not realize is how what you eat also influences your spiritual health and well-being.

Ayurvedic practitioners, ancient Greeks and buddhists alike have been aware for thousands of years that food has an energetic effect on the body, mind and spirit. The more nutritious and pure the foods, the more conscious and in sync your are with the world around you, the attuned you are with your heart, your intuition; and the more you can interpret your souls wisdom. Continue Reading…