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Bravery/ Love & Relationships/ Meaning & Passion/ Zesty Adventures

Riding the wave of time


How well are you riding the wave

The space that does not yet exist is located in a place known only to your deeper senses. In life you’ll always receive that which is scheduled for you, but not yet present. Our lives are continually in motion with the wave of time. As the wave rises and falls, our effort responds to the waves of time.

When you learn to ride the wave, your life can evolve naturally and with minimal resistance. Riding the wave, however, is not a passive experience. It requires you to be focused, centered and intuitive.

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Breakfast/ Health Tips/ Meaning & Passion/ Zesty Adventures

Zesty Morning Routine


Purpose is an incredible alarm clock

Your alarm clock beeps. You hit snooze a few times before rolling out of bed to swipe your self-worth feed, rush through a shower and skip breakfast before heading to work, already late…

If your morning resembles a hurricane, you might consider developing a Zesty Morning Routine. Each morning is an opportunity to start fresh and become fully awake in your life. There’s no need to design an overly complicated routine, but being a little more mindful will go a long way. It will also help you begin to wake up with purpose and energy from knowing what you want to do and why.

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Meaning & Passion/ Wellness/ Zesty Adventures

Zesty Meditation: The healing power of solo bike rides


The body benefits from movement, the mind from stillness

The cool light of morning casts shadows across my bed as I open my eyes. It’s 5am and Kula noses up for her morning snuggle and more importantly, to tell me it’s time for her breakfast.

Passion is the best alarm clock. We follow our usual routine of a Ginja Ninja Smoothie and a bit of work at the computer before the call of the forest quickens our pace and we set off for the trails. Continue Reading…