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Bravery/ Love & Relationships/ Zesty Adventures

A Dissertation on Discomfort


Being uncomfortable

Slipping into the icy water isn’t comfortable. I can’t relax, I’m tense, and I really just want to get out of here, NOW. My mind tells me I’m freezing and should flee—but I stay in—I want to reap the benefits the come through withstanding the discomfort. Eventually overcoming what seemed like an insurmountable situation turned out to be thoroughly energizing and enlivening. Continue Reading…

Bravery/ Flow/ Perseverance/ Uncategorized/ Zesty Adventures

The Wild Zest : There are no rules


I’m not crazy, I’m just colourful

When most people think of a “rebel,” they think of a troublemaker–someone who doesn’t like to follow rules and enjoys causing disruption.

Rebels aren’t just badasses that drive fast and cause mischief. They break rules in order to explore new ideas, uncharted territory, and create positive change. They create the friction required to test alternative ways of doing things that can lead to better solutions. Rebels conjure up creative solutions by balancing experimentation with a curious mind, and by tempering experience with a humble beginners approach, continually asking, “Why do we always do things this way?” and “Who are you to say I can’t do it?”.  They understand that if you play by the rules or think you know it all already, you lose the ability to break new ground. Continue Reading…

Love & Relationships/ Perseverance/ Zesty Adventures

Riding the Swell


It came like a wave, all at once

Paddling out into the surf, the spray of waves crashing reaches your face and suddenly, you’re wide awake. Heart racing as you push your way through the incoming set.

You make it through one wave, but the next one sucks you backwards and you lose a lot of progress. Suddenly an enormous tunneling giant grabs you and pulls you under—tumbling, breathless and afraid—just when you think you can take any more, you pop up to the surface. Eyes stinging with salt, for a moment there is calm, but the breakers begin rushing in again… Continue Reading…

Love & Relationships/ Meaning & Passion/ Zesty Adventures

The Right Path


There is no right path, only the path you take

Rivers draw us in, by rising from hidden places and meandering through paths that are constantly shifting and changing. Aiming at a destination, the river has a certainty with which it travels—exuding a feeling of comfort and peace.

With their intoxicating interplay between what they reveal and what they conceal, rivers can teach us about life and relationships… Continue Reading…