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Bravery/ Perseverance/ Zesty Adventures

Zesty Setbacks: When life smacks you upside the head with a lemon


The only thing for certain is something unexpected is going to happen

As the early morning glow seeped down the hillsides and across the lake, I walked down the dock with my ski in hand and an excited grin across my face. I hopped into the boat and heard, “you’re up girl!”—I guess it was apparent I could hardly wait to get swerving.

As I began carving across the wake, I heard nothing but the sound of breaking water behind me and hum of the boat. I settled into a rhythm on my ski and did several passes before taking a breather and going once more—so stoked to be on the water again. Continue Reading…

Athletic Performance/ Health Tips/ Q&A/ Zesty Adventures

Zzzesty Sleep: Interview with sleep expert Victor H. Javeri


Are you good in bed?

Being an expert in the sack requires practice, dedication and an enthusiasm for improvement. It takes more than nutrition and physical training to perform at your peak—you need sleep. More than you think! Professional sleep expert Victor H. Javeri Jr., PhD, RPSGT, CSE tells Zesty Life why athletes should make sleep a priority in their daily training.

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Nutrition for Sport

Apple Cider Vinegar: Performance & Recovery Tonic


The ultimate zesty punch in the face!

Don’t worry, you don’t have to guzzle it back like grandma said. There are plenty of ways to incorporate Apple Cider Vinegar into your diet.

This health tonic has been praised for its ability to balance your pH, increase good gut bacteria and help control your weight, boost your health and improve your appearance. For athletes, the amino acid, raw enzyme and potassium provides amazing performance and recovery benefits.