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Bravery/ Love & Relationships/ MTB/ Zesty Adventures

FEAR: Face Everything And Ride


Racing Heart. Shortness of Breath. Butterflies.

Peddling up Mt. Fromme on our twin Santa Cruz Bronson’s, my friend Craig is taking me to Upper Oil Can bike trail. He tells me I’m ready to tackle some technical woodwork. I’m so excited to face the severe danger looming on the horizon!…or maybe what I feel is anxiety and I shouldn’t do this today—it’s so hard to tell the difference between emotions sometimes. Anxiety and excitement are completely different emotions, one positive, one negative—but are they different, really? Continue Reading…

Bravery/ Love & Relationships/ Zesty Adventures

Thus with a kiss I die: The story of love


Don’t fall in love, fall off your bike—it hurts less

Loving is risky. For the depth of your love today can be the depth of your wound tomorrow.

To love is to be vulnerable. Love anything long enough and your heart will certainly be wrung out and broken. If you want to never experience pain, you must give your heart to no one. Bubble wrap it carefully with hobbies and friends; avoid all entanglements and guard it behind a wall of cold stone. Continue Reading…

Bravery/ Love & Relationships/ Zesty Adventures

Trust your gut: When something feels off, it is


If it’s right, it’ll feel right

Why is trusting your gut so powerful? Because your gut has been cataloging a whole lot of information for as long as you’ve been alive. Trusting your gut is trusting the collection of all your subconscious experiences.

If you’ve ever felt uneasy or a sense of danger about a person or situation, but you were unable to figure out why, that’s your intuition talking. The subconscious immediately communicates to us through our emotions. These emotions serve as warning signals. Your intuition is your first line of defense, but you must learn to listen to what it is saying. Author and CIA expert for the prediction and management of violence, Gavin de Becker says as a rule, your intuition is never wrong. Continue Reading…

Bravery/ Meaning & Passion/ Perseverance/ Zesty Adventures

Beautiful Tough: The strength to enduro anything


Huck yourself bravely towards fear

Taking a deep breath of fresh mountain air, you stand over your bike and gaze down the steep granite slope leading into a narrow clearing of trees. You have two options. Do you choose to remain stuck in fear or do you send it bravely into the unknown?

Humans have evolved through risk taking; when we take our first step, we risk falling down; when we learn to ride a bike, we risk crashing; when ask someone on a date, we risk being rejected. As tough as it is, if we don’t lean into the fear and discomfort, we don’t progress.

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