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Love & Relationships

Love & Relationships/ Perseverance/ Zesty Adventures

Riding the Swell


It came like a wave, all at once

Paddling out into the surf, the spray of waves crashing reaches your face and suddenly, you’re wide awake. Heart racing as you push your way through the incoming set.

You make it through one wave, but the next one sucks you backwards and you lose a lot of progress. Suddenly an enormous tunneling giant grabs you and pulls you under—tumbling, breathless and afraid—just when you think you can take any more, you pop up to the surface. Eyes stinging with salt, for a moment there is calm, but the breakers begin rushing in again… Continue Reading…

Love & Relationships/ Meaning & Passion/ Zesty Adventures

The Right Path


There is no right path, only the path you take

Rivers draw us in, by rising from hidden places and meandering through paths that are constantly shifting and changing. Aiming at a destination, the river has a certainty with which it travels—exuding a feeling of comfort and peace.

With their intoxicating interplay between what they reveal and what they conceal, rivers can teach us about life and relationships… Continue Reading…

Bravery/ Happiness/ Love & Relationships/ Mindfulness/ Zesty Adventures

The Trail to Benevolence


See the trail through the trees

Each sunrise is an opportunity to begin a ritual with a lasting impact. Many of us want to experience better relationships and feel less judgement in the world, but change doesn’t suddenly show up one morning, rather it comes from the on-going quality of our behaviour and the action of striving to become a better person each day. Continue Reading…

Bravery/ Happiness/ Love & Relationships/ Zesty Adventures

Impermanence: Revisited


Not everything goes down in flames

I wanted to revisit impermanence…and note that circumstances are indeed subject to change, but that doesn’t mean believing everything good will go down in flames, and it doesn’t mean living with a half-hearted effort…

Because everything is subject to change, impermanence gives us hope for improvement and positive shifts as well. Impermanence doesn’t mean we are powerless, it means we learn to ride the waves and consider the gradual deviations. The small and seemingly insignificant parts of our lives all add up to make greater changes for good too. Continue Reading…