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Love & Relationships

Love & Relationships/ Zesty Adventures

Art & Sex: An Expression of the Soul


The art of sex

Sex and creativity are comparable in their purest form. Each offering the ability to dive deeper into your feelings, sensations, and energies, and ultimately the soul. A pathway to become closer to your essential self.

Your naked body should only be given to those who fall in love with your naked soul. Without considering the connection between our sexual energy and soul means we are more likely to to have negative or unhealthy sexual experiences, which can be extremely wounding to our spirit. Continue Reading…

Friendship/ Love & Relationships/ Zesty Adventures

Friends Through Shell & Back


Life’s Tug-of-War

Tugging on Kula’s limp and scraggly turtle as she hands it back to me. One eyeball left, a gaping hole where she extracted all the stuffing from, but the turtles serif-stitched name Jamaica still reads strong on its shell.

This has become our new pastime. Turtle tug-of-war. I wonder if she hates me… the question hurls my heart into persistent restlessness… Continue Reading…

Love & Relationships/ Zesty Adventures

Touching Shadows


Bare feet touching the rays of the sun; perfection, before time loses this moment forever. Summer seems to be slipping away before it has even begun…

Every morning, my coffee steeps in a tin pot, as Kula carries her favourite toy back and forth from one end of the room to the other, whimpering—a post-breakfast happy dance. I used to sit down and draw during this time, but my pencil hasn’t touched a piece of paper in quite some time. Thinking back to when I would leap out of bed with an idea, and as my hand travelled around the page—pure joy—as I giggled to myself when it linked up a funny quip. Continue Reading…

Bravery/ Love & Relationships/ Zesty Adventures

A Dissertation on Discomfort


Being uncomfortable

Slipping into the icy water isn’t comfortable. I can’t relax, I’m tense, and I really just want to get out of here, NOW. My mind tells me I’m freezing and should flee—but I stay in—I want to reap the benefits the come through withstanding the discomfort. Eventually overcoming what seemed like an insurmountable situation turned out to be thoroughly energizing and enlivening. Continue Reading…