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Love & Relationships/ Perseverance/ Zesty Adventures

Riding the Swell


It came like a wave, all at once

Paddling out into the surf, the spray of waves crashing reaches your face and suddenly, you’re wide awake. Heart racing as you push your way through the incoming set.

You make it through one wave, but the next one sucks you backwards and you lose a lot of progress. Suddenly an enormous tunneling giant grabs you and pulls you under—tumbling, breathless and afraid—just when you think you can take any more, you pop up to the surface. Eyes stinging with salt, for a moment there is calm, but the breakers begin rushing in again… Continue Reading…

Love & Relationships/ Meaning & Passion/ Zesty Adventures

The Right Path


There is no right path, only the path you take

Rivers draw us in, by rising from hidden places and meandering through paths that are constantly shifting and changing. Aiming at a destination, the river has a certainty with which it travels—exuding a feeling of comfort and peace.

With their intoxicating interplay between what they reveal and what they conceal, rivers can teach us about life and relationships… Continue Reading…

Bravery/ Meaning & Passion/ Perseverance/ Zesty Adventures

A Meaningful Journey


Rugged, challenging, beautiful…it’s no walk in the woods

Along the rugged journey of life you will experience uphill battles, exhilarating descents, times when the destination is completely out of sight, where the path you’re on dead-ends, where you cruise through good fortune, and where you collapse into exhaustion and hopelessness. You will at times discover a companion, you will part from another, at another bury one, and some will remain forever. Much like trekking towards a summit, the meaning isn’t derived from standing at the top, it’s found in every step along your journey… Continue Reading…

Bravery/ Happiness/ Love & Relationships/ Mindfulness/ Zesty Adventures

The Trail to Benevolence


See the trail through the trees

Each sunrise is an opportunity to begin a ritual with a lasting impact. Many of us want to experience better relationships and feel less judgement in the world, but change doesn’t suddenly show up one morning, rather it comes from the on-going quality of our behaviour and the action of striving to become a better person each day. Continue Reading…

Bravery/ Love & Relationships/ Mindfulness/ Zesty Adventures

Relationships that Flow


Navigating the ebbs and flows

Life doesn’t always give us what we want, and the more we resist, the harder things become. Like a stream, when the flow encounters obstacles, it shifts, repositions and keeps flowing forward. If we can learn to be like the stream, we will bring much more ease to life’s ups and downs.

Going with the flow isn’t about dismissing your needs or not caring, it’s about being flexible with the inevitable twists and turns that may arise along the way. Continue Reading…

Bravery/ Career/ Love & Relationships/ Zesty Adventures

The Art of Risk-Taking


Take the risk or lose the chance

Many of life’s greatest achievements require stepping outside our comfort zone. Whether it’s tackling a technical trail feature, overcoming a fear of starting a business, investing money in your future, or putting yourself out there for a relationship—many of life’s most rewarding experiences come as a result of taking risks.

The fear of doing something wrong is a huge factor that holds people back, and so we often choose the safer approach and just stick with what’s worked in the past. The question is what is good risk-taking and what is bad? Continue Reading…