Browsing Tag:


Career/ Happiness/ Love & Relationships/ Zesty Adventures

Navigating the Skinny: The moment and the trajectory


Whether you think you can, or think you can’t… you’re right.

Planning ahead whilst still living in the moment can be confusing. Much like riding a skinny, there must be an awareness of where you want to go, consideration of your immediate surroundings and self-awareness; a focus in the moment, and positioning for your trajectory. Continue Reading…

Bravery/ Happiness/ Love & Relationships/ Zesty Adventures

Fear of Judgment: Are all eyes really on you?


Judgment day

Venturing into the crowd, we’re often worried that everyone’s judging us; our bad hair day, the turmeric stain on our shorts, or our novice mountain bike abilities. In reality, nobody notices any of that shit because they’re too busy hyper-focusing on their own issues.

Reputation is what you will get reduced to when you aren’t illuminated by loving-kindness. And like a gossamer thread, reputation can be severed through one bad instance of telephone or third hand gossip. But how much should we really consider what others think of us? The reality is that in most cases people are actually not thinking… Continue Reading…

Flow/ Love & Relationships/ Mindfulness/ Zesty Adventures

To Do: Live in the moment


Carpe Diem, Live in the Moment, Amor Fati

Is all of this “living in the moment” stuff the key to a happy life, or is it working to my detriment? I’m a single-income entrepreneur trying to grow my business and my savings account, living on the expensive West Coast with a dog who eats better than most people do—does that mean I should spend more time contemplating and living for the future?
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Happiness/ Love & Relationships/ Mindfulness/ Zesty Adventures

Time Flies: Using mindfulness to stop time


Time flies when you’re having fun

Have you ever been in the midst of a sublime full body massage, or a moment of rapture with a lover and time seemed to disappear like sand between your fingers? Conversely, have you stood in a grocery line or sat through a business meeting and time stretched on like watching paint dry? Time is a prominent subject in our lives—thoughts about the past, concerns about the future—but how well do we really understand it? Continue Reading…

Bravery/ Happiness/ Love & Relationships/ Zesty Adventures

All Roads Lead to Love


I don’t care where we go as long as you’re riding shotgun

The best part of the road trip isn’t the destination, it’s the wild shit that happens along the way.

The ribbon of asphalt curved between the mountains and Howe Sound, framed by vibrant light and shadow of the late afternoon sun. A satisfying growl came from my car, as I pressed my foot deeper into the gas and locked into my favourite corner. In this moment of total presence, I felt very happy. Continue Reading…

Happiness/ Health Tips/ Mindfulness/ Videos/ Zesty Adventures

Recipes for a Zesty Life: Forest Bathing

Hey guys, here’s another Recipe for your Zesty Life from my new book! 

In Japan, it’s common to use nature as a way of healing. They practice what’s called “Shinrin Yoku”, which roughly translates to “Forest Bathing”. The idea is that spending time in nature allows you to experience rejuvenating benefits to the mind, body and spirit. Continue Reading…