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Bravery/ Happiness/ Meaning & Passion/ Zesty Adventures

Beyond the Treeline: The Courage to Stand Alone


Reach new heights

Much like the tallest tree in the forest, when you stand out from the rest, you’re at risk of exposing yourself to the most resistance. We learn early in life that fitting in keeps us safe. But what we don’t realize is that while being unremarkable may keep us below the turbulence, it doesn’t allow us to grow, to reach new heights, and to see beyond our limitations; and it doesn’t usually lead to happiness or satisfaction. Continue Reading…

Love & Relationships/ Zesty Adventures

Dating 101: Don’t Chase Love, Chase Loam


Nope, nope, nope, yup, nope

Online dating is so superficial, isn’t it?! With endless matches ripe for the swiping, you’d think finding the one would be a walk in the park. Yet, after yet another tragic date and a referral to the physiotherapist for your inflamed Tinder finger, you’re still single.

So, how can you go about finding a real connection in this digital age? Well, I’m not exactly sure, as I’ve just been yanked out of the hurt locker by friends to scope out the dating scene, and it looks pretty grim. Continue Reading…

Bravery/ Meaning & Passion/ Perseverance/ Zesty Adventures

Am I Out of the Woods Yet?


Get lost to get found

In a forest, I am lost among the trees: or am I suddenly found in a brilliant moment of clarity?

We don’t solve problems—problems solve us. They help us piece together who we are, requiring us to continually stretch beyond our comfort zone and confront our psyche. Every experience and interaction has the potential to help us grow—if we allow it. Continue Reading…

Bravery/ Career/ Zesty Adventures

Riding Solo: Navigating the anxieties of solitude


In solitude you’ll find answers

Venturing into the woods, I lose sight of civilization and settle into the peaceful sounds of nature. I am in charge of my ride plan, my rhythm and my pace.

I absolutely love riding my bike alone (well, usually with my sidekick Kula!). When on a solo ride, I notice my stress decrease and I shift into a peaceful state of consciousness. When you’re silent you begin to see your thoughts for what they really are—just thoughts. I can ponder life’s meaning, connect with the sensations in my body, and be in total flow with the trail. Continue Reading…

Bravery/ Career/ Happiness/ Zesty Adventures

Happiness: Striving towards your potential


I scream, you scream, why give up your pipe dream!

I called my brother last night, and when he answered he sounded like a giddy kid who was just handed a triple-scoop bubblegum ice cream cone. “Gord, you sound really happy bro, what’s new?” I asked. “I’m so happy Rachelle! My business is booming, I’m doing exciting work and having a blast!”

It’s so beautiful to watch people thriving in their element… Since having the guts to quit his talent-limiting career situation a year ago, Gord has since combined his knack for technology with his passion for people, and baked these ingredients into a rewarding entrepreneurial venture. Continue Reading…

Happiness/ Love & Relationships/ Meaning & Passion/ Zesty Adventures

Happiness & Your Inner Zest


Happiness within

Whoever said money can’t buy happiness hasn’t ridden a bike! Well, in truth, it’s not the bike making you happy, it’s the person you are when you get on your bike. Even if you drop ten thousand bucks on the sickest bike, it’s not going to make you happy sitting in your garage. For some of us, biking equals happiness because it ignites our authentic self; encourages the act of play, the freeing of our soul, happy endorphins, and healthy friendships. Continue Reading…

Flow/ Happiness/ Love & Relationships/ Zesty Adventures

Abundance: Relax to Receive


Adopt the pace of nature

Riding down the trail with a white-knuckle death grip will do nothing but cause you to fatigue sooner, make it harder to control and absorb bumps and increase your chances of a crash. This is especially common with new riders; they’re nervous of how the bike is moving underneath them—they either freak out or force it. It’s important to realize that the bike will naturally cruise forward, roll over things and find a smooth line. The trick is to have a little faith, relax and allow the bike do its thing. Continue Reading…