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Athletic Performance/ MTB/ Zesty Adventures

Tuning In: Secrets To A High Performance Mind


Drifting through flow state

Kicking it into second gear, I hammer the gas pedal to the floor and aim for the hairpin corner—this seems crazy, my thoughts tell me. Letting go of panic, my focus turns to the moment and the actions I need to take. I trail brake and drift the car sideways through the corner, looking ahead for the perfect trajectory before I stomp the gas again.

Your first instinct in any stressful or high-risk situation is to react. Like a rally car driver who learns to disengage their impulses when driving full throttle through a winding forest, you can increase your performance by learning to tune into the moment. Continue Reading…

Bravery/ Meaning & Passion/ Mountain Life/ Zesty Adventures

Adventurepreneur: Create your lifestyle brand


Create your lifestyle brand

How many of you often drift into a daydream at work, wishing you were riding your bike, surfing in Nicaragua or exploring the backcountry on your skis? Do you have a burning desire to create more financial and time freedom in your life?

If you’re like me, your drive to explore and adventure runs deep and is likely ingrained in your personality and consumes the majority of your thoughts. Guess what, sport is a lot like business. If you’re an athlete considering a leap into the entrepreneurial life, then read on! Because you’re already on the road to success. Continue Reading…

Bravery/ Meaning & Passion/ Perseverance/ Zesty Adventures

Game Face: You’re a Stoic and you didn’t even know it


The obstacle is the way

Athletes must be mentally strong. They mustn’t be rattled, they are resilient in the face of hardship and controlled enough to endure pain without complaint or question. Great athlete’s don’t panic or choke under pressure, they possess emotion but remain focused and cool-headed— they are well practiced in the art of Stoicism.

What is Stoicism you ask? Well, without having your eyes glaze over from a long history lesson, I’ll explain the gist of it—An ancient Greek philosophy similar to Buddhism that believes in taking obstacles in your life and turning them into your advantage, control what you can and accept what you can’t.

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