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Bravery/ Happiness/ Health Tips/ Love & Relationships/ Zesty Adventures

The Ideal Life: Going once, Going twice


You have one chance before it’s gone

Given the chance to buy an ideal life on eBay, many people would probably choose the one containing money & success. Yet, as studies have revealed, these two factors have little effect on true happiness and satisfaction in life.

So, what really matters at the end? In one of the most comprehensive longitudinal studies ever done, researchers of the Harvard Grant Study followed 724 men for over 75 years and have found the secret… Continue Reading…

Health Tips/ Vegan/ Wellness/ Zesty Adventures

Zesty Aging: It’s all downhill from here


Ah fiddlesticks, my knees hurt

Like our bikes, our bodies tend to break down as we age. But wait! I’m here to tell you there’s no reason to swap your mountain bike and Toyota Tacoma for Backgammon and a beige Camry just yet!

Before you throw in the towel and take a nap on the davenport, know that just because you’re 50 years old on paper, doesn’t mean you’re 50 biologically. If you’re eating healthy foods and doing things like riding your bike, there’s less biological aging taking place in your body—honest to Pete! Continue Reading…