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Health Tips

Health Tips/ Perseverance/ Wellness/ Zesty Adventures

Zesty Mojo: Regaining confidence after injury


Throw me a fricken’ bone here

One minute you’re switched on, smashing your personal best’s, setting new goals and challenges, getting faster and stronger and feeling like “one million dollars”. Then all of a sudden the universe f***’s with your plans. Something happens; injury, illness, crisis and your mojo takes a kick where it counts—Ouch baby.

We all have times when our confidence gets shaken and setbacks or injuries can leave your mojo broken, just when you need it the most. This past summer my waterski crash was a major blow to my mojo, but it was my mission to keep positive and focus on my recovery. Continue Reading…

Athletic Performance/ Health Tips/ Wellness/ Zesty Adventures

End of season bike & body maintenance


Time to check your levels

It’s that time of year when your trusty steed is gettin’ some preventative end-of-season maintenance! Part of your bike care is identifying general issues to watch for or that require repair. This is a great time of year to check your body too.

After several friends thinking I’m crazy for never having had one, I recently got a full blood panel to analyze my health. The results were fascinating, and not unlike your bike…if you’re never checking, there could be something way out of whack. Continue Reading…

Health Tips/ Perseverance/ Wellness/ Zesty Adventures

Concussion Recovery: The Zesty Life TBI rehab strategy


What to do when your melon gets whacked

This summer an unexpected waterskiing accident left me with severe whiplash, five stitches in the back of my skull, a compressed occipital nerve, a puncture in my neck that nearly hit an artery, a punctured eardrum and a pretty nasty concussion.

Concussions suck. They demand a lengthy recovery, prolonged down time and they affect many aspects of your life including mobility, career, relationships and finances. Mild traumatic brain injuries (also called TBI’s) an invisible injury that has no fixed timeline for recovery—Now, before you get too meloncholy, I’ve got some tips that helped me get through my concussion in about four weeks. Continue Reading…

Athletic Performance/ Health Tips/ Q&A/ Zesty Adventures

Zzzesty Sleep: Interview with sleep expert Victor H. Javeri


Are you good in bed?

Being an expert in the sack requires practice, dedication and an enthusiasm for improvement. It takes more than nutrition and physical training to perform at your peak—you need sleep. More than you think! Professional sleep expert Victor H. Javeri Jr., PhD, RPSGT, CSE tells Zesty Life why athletes should make sleep a priority in their daily training.

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Health Tips/ Wellness/ Zesty Adventures

Zesty Multi-tool: Emotional maintenance 101


Deal with your emotions or they’re bound to bubble up later

Just like your bike, your body needs regular maintenance and a lotta­ love. It’s important to take care of ourselves and not ignore problems—or they’ll get bigger and more expensive.

When life throws us obstacles, it’s helpful to have some tools in our back pocket. Here are a few tips for maintaining your mental, emotional and physical well-being. Continue Reading…