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Bravery/ Meaning & Passion/ Perseverance/ Zesty Adventures

Beautiful Tough: The strength to enduro anything


Huck yourself bravely towards fear

Taking a deep breath of fresh mountain air, you stand over your bike and gaze down the steep granite slope leading into a narrow clearing of trees. You have two options. Do you choose to remain stuck in fear or do you send it bravely into the unknown?

Humans have evolved through risk taking; when we take our first step, we risk falling down; when we learn to ride a bike, we risk crashing; when ask someone on a date, we risk being rejected. As tough as it is, if we don’t lean into the fear and discomfort, we don’t progress.

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Bravery/ Love & Relationships/ Meaning & Passion/ Zesty Adventures

Zesty Relationships: Hot, sweet, salty, bitter, umami


Love comes in many flavours

Whether you’re at the bitter end of a relationship that sunk like the Titanic, you’re in the throes of hot starry-eyed dreaminess, you’re an old salt who’s spent decades in the same relationship or you’re living the sweet single life, there’s only one thing for certain…the moment you’re in right now.

Wherever you’re at, this is it. Instead of wishing for something different or feeling regret—just experience this moment. You can’t rewind and freeze-frame time at some idyllic point or in your imagination. Savour life while the time is ripe. Continue Reading…

Bravery/ Love & Relationships/ Meaning & Passion/ Zesty Adventures

Zesty Flow: Timelessness through authenticity


Tapping into your flow state

Being in flow during sport is an incredible feeling. There is an absence of fear, a weightlessness and an effortless rhythm—pure joy. In flow state, there’s no judgement or ego. You’re centred and totally connected with everything. Conversely, when you’re not in flow you’re out of balance and fear enters the body. You tighten up and it doesn’t have the same graceful and fulfilling rhythm, your timing is off and you feel resistance.

Flow isn’t just an experience for athletes. It’s ubiquitous. You can experience flow any situation. And more flow is proven to increase life satisfaction. If you want to feel happier, more alive and have deeper connections, you might want to tap into flow.

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Bravery/ Meaning & Passion/ Mountain Life/ Zesty Adventures

Adventurepreneur: Create your lifestyle brand


Create your lifestyle brand

How many of you often drift into a daydream at work, wishing you were riding your bike, surfing in Nicaragua or exploring the backcountry on your skis? Do you have a burning desire to create more financial and time freedom in your life?

If you’re like me, your drive to explore and adventure runs deep and is likely ingrained in your personality and consumes the majority of your thoughts. Guess what, sport is a lot like business. If you’re an athlete considering a leap into the entrepreneurial life, then read on! Because you’re already on the road to success. Continue Reading…

Bravery/ Meaning & Passion/ Perseverance/ Zesty Adventures

Be like a Bike: Roll with it


Don’t lose heart in a headwind

I step off the plane in Italy, I’m psyched about my trip of a lifetime cycling adventure that has finally come to fruition. I wait patiently at the baggage carousel for my luggage. My bike is really all I’m longing to see… but it never comes.

My heart sinks. Now what Rachelle, you’ve planned your whole trip around biking. I said to myself.

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Bravery/ Meaning & Passion/ Zesty Adventures

Zesty Identity: Collect moments, not things


The life experience mindset

Experiences are the sum of your identity. Whether you’ve ridden an epic climb in the Dolomites, backpacked through Europe, learned how to play an instrument or adventured across the plains of Africa — those moments add to your identity in a way that cannot be matched by a material item.

Your identity is a path defined by what you do and why you do it. It has been proven that happiness from material purchases diminishes over time, yet the joy from stand-out life experiences are carried with you much longer and become an ingrained part of our identity. Continue Reading…