Browsing Tag:

Mountain Biking

Videos/ Zesty Adventures

How to Bleed Shimano Mountain Bike Brake Levers

Bleeding your Shimano Levers

Hey guys, Rachelle from Zesty Life here. Today I am going to show you how to do a Shimano brake lever bleed.

This is something that’s good to do in between your full brake system bleed. When you feel your brakes become inconsistent or that they pull all the way to the bar, this doesn’t necessarily mean you need to take your bike to the shop! It can simply mean there’s an air bubble we need to get out of there! Easy!

Videos/ Zesty Adventures

Send it into 2021!

Zesty New Year!

It’s not about the destination we will reach, it’s about chasing our better selves and making incremental steps towards our ultimate highest good—that’s where we discover a full, rewarding (and zesty!) life. Have a very healthy new year!!


Bravery/ Happiness/ Meaning & Passion/ Mindfulness/ Zesty Adventures

Life Lessons We Can Learn From Mountain Biking


The cadence of freedom

My legs find their flow, round and round in the cadence of freedom. I begin to notice beauty everywhere. Life becomes simple, existing within and for this moment only…

Mountain biking for some is like a religion, an on-going adventure, and the way to freedom. It can help us to avoid getting caught up in our thoughts and our worries; bringing a whole new perspective into focus. When riding, we remain centred, blending mindfulness with movement; the bicycle is one of the greatest teachers we have. Continue Reading…