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Meaning & Passion

Love & Relationships/ Meaning & Passion/ Zesty Adventures

The Right Path


There is no right path, only the path you take

Rivers draw us in, by rising from hidden places and meandering through paths that are constantly shifting and changing. Aiming at a destination, the river has a certainty with which it travels—exuding a feeling of comfort and peace.

With their intoxicating interplay between what they reveal and what they conceal, rivers can teach us about life and relationships… Continue Reading…

Bravery/ Meaning & Passion/ Perseverance/ Zesty Adventures

A Meaningful Journey


Rugged, challenging, beautiful…it’s no walk in the woods

Along the rugged journey of life you will experience uphill battles, exhilarating descents, times when the destination is completely out of sight, where the path you’re on dead-ends, where you cruise through good fortune, and where you collapse into exhaustion and hopelessness. You will at times discover a companion, you will part from another, at another bury one, and some will remain forever. Much like trekking towards a summit, the meaning isn’t derived from standing at the top, it’s found in every step along your journey… Continue Reading…

Bravery/ Happiness/ Meaning & Passion/ Mindfulness/ Zesty Adventures

Life Lessons We Can Learn From Mountain Biking


The cadence of freedom

My legs find their flow, round and round in the cadence of freedom. I begin to notice beauty everywhere. Life becomes simple, existing within and for this moment only…

Mountain biking for some is like a religion, an on-going adventure, and the way to freedom. It can help us to avoid getting caught up in our thoughts and our worries; bringing a whole new perspective into focus. When riding, we remain centred, blending mindfulness with movement; the bicycle is one of the greatest teachers we have. Continue Reading…