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Bravery/ Career/ Happiness/ Zesty Adventures

Happiness: Striving towards your potential


I scream, you scream, why give up your pipe dream!

I called my brother last night, and when he answered he sounded like a giddy kid who was just handed a triple-scoop bubblegum ice cream cone. “Gord, you sound really happy bro, what’s new?” I asked. “I’m so happy Rachelle! My business is booming, I’m doing exciting work and having a blast!”

It’s so beautiful to watch people thriving in their element… Since having the guts to quit his talent-limiting career situation a year ago, Gord has since combined his knack for technology with his passion for people, and baked these ingredients into a rewarding entrepreneurial venture. Continue Reading…

Happiness/ Health Tips/ Meaning & Passion/ Zesty Adventures

Hero Habits: The Secret to Crushing Your Goals


Always be yourself, unless you can be batman

We all want to be better — fitter, healthier, more skilled, more successful, a more likeable person etc. The trouble is, we rarely stick to the habits it takes to get there.

Most people focus on outcome-based goals like “I want to lose weight” or “I want to run a marathon”. But these are superficial changes. The path to building lasting habits is actually changing your identity. Meaning, if you change the type of person that you believe that you are, then it’s easier to change your actions. Continue Reading…