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Beautiful Tough

Bravery/ Perseverance/ Zesty Adventures

Zesty Setbacks: When life smacks you upside the head with a lemon


The only thing for certain is something unexpected is going to happen

As the early morning glow seeped down the hillsides and across the lake, I walked down the dock with my ski in hand and an excited grin across my face. I hopped into the boat and heard, “you’re up girl!”—I guess it was apparent I could hardly wait to get swerving.

As I began carving across the wake, I heard nothing but the sound of breaking water behind me and hum of the boat. I settled into a rhythm on my ski and did several passes before taking a breather and going once more—so stoked to be on the water again. Continue Reading…

Health Tips/ Wellness/ Zesty Adventures

Zesty Multi-tool: Emotional maintenance 101


Deal with your emotions or they’re bound to bubble up later

Just like your bike, your body needs regular maintenance and a lotta­ love. It’s important to take care of ourselves and not ignore problems—or they’ll get bigger and more expensive.

When life throws us obstacles, it’s helpful to have some tools in our back pocket. Here are a few tips for maintaining your mental, emotional and physical well-being. Continue Reading…

Bravery/ Meaning & Passion/ Perseverance/ Zesty Adventures

Game Face: You’re a Stoic and you didn’t even know it


The obstacle is the way

Athletes must be mentally strong. They mustn’t be rattled, they are resilient in the face of hardship and controlled enough to endure pain without complaint or question. Great athlete’s don’t panic or choke under pressure, they possess emotion but remain focused and cool-headed— they are well practiced in the art of Stoicism.

What is Stoicism you ask? Well, without having your eyes glaze over from a long history lesson, I’ll explain the gist of it—An ancient Greek philosophy similar to Buddhism that believes in taking obstacles in your life and turning them into your advantage, control what you can and accept what you can’t.

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Bravery/ Meaning & Passion/ Perseverance/ Zesty Adventures

Be like a Bike: Roll with it


Don’t lose heart in a headwind

I step off the plane in Italy, I’m psyched about my trip of a lifetime cycling adventure that has finally come to fruition. I wait patiently at the baggage carousel for my luggage. My bike is really all I’m longing to see… but it never comes.

My heart sinks. Now what Rachelle, you’ve planned your whole trip around biking. I said to myself.

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Bravery/ Meaning & Passion/ Perseverance/ Zesty Adventures

Double Backflip: Don’t quit, this isn’t the endo


For my death you shall need popcorn

Feeling sad sucks. As you listen to indulgently sad music and imagine yourself as the protagonist in a dramatic movie. You hold your head in your hands while you’re crying and think “I can’t even believe how sad this whole situation is. I think if I was in a movie I could bring an entire movie theater to tears right now.” Continue Reading…

Bravery/ Perseverance/ Zesty Adventures

The Zig, The Zag, The Zesty: When everyone goes right, go left


Learn the rules and break them like an artist

Life has way too many rules. Yeah, we need the stop, go and don’t shoot your gun stuff, but I’m talking about the more nuanced; less black and white stuff. The rules that suggest what you’re supposed to do with your life, what type of person is best for a relationship and what career is right for you. Continue Reading…

Bravery/ Love & Relationships/ Meaning & Passion/ Zesty Adventures

The Zesty Heart


Life is better with skinned knees and broken hearts

What does it mean to have a Zesty Heart? It’s like ripping down your favourite trail—Exciting, thrilling, terrifying and when it’s over you wanna get back on right away.

When you’re attacking the trail, it’s kinda fun to scare yourself a bit and teeter on your comfort zone—right? Pushing yourself allows you to have new experiences, learn about yourself, feel alive, and it makes the ride SO worthwhile. Continue Reading…